========================================== Installation Issues ========================================== Fortran Compiler ---------------- 1. Missing Fortran compiler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `pymc `_ requires a fortran compiler in order to work. Please ensure pymc can be imported. :: >>> import pymc During installation, MPAthic will look for existing fortran compilers on the user's machine. If none are present, the following error will be thrown: .. image:: _static/install_issues_1.png Fix ~~~ We recommend installing `GCC `_, as this satisfies both Non-Python MPAthic dependencies (i.e. Cython and pymc). In addition to official instructions, GCC can be obtained easily on macOS via `homebrew `_:: brew install gcc 2. Updating gcc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Updates to gcc does not seem to update the paths required by pymc. An example is shown below where the user initially installed gcc 4 but then updated to version 5: .. image:: _static/install_issues_gcc_version.png Fix ~~~ Re-installing the version of gcc required by pymc (hence, mpathic) fixes this issue. In the case above, gcc version 4 was re-installed. Cython ------ Ensure the correct version of `Cython `_ is installed. :: $ pip freeze | grep 'Cython' $ Cython==0.28.1 1. Existing Cython versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/install_issues_2.png 2 Cython environment error ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. image:: _static/install_issues_3.png Fix ~~~ Run the anaconda command:: conda install -c anaconda cython Or pip install directly:: pip install Cython==0.28.1 Permissions ----------- The user might not have access to install to the global site-packages directory. .. image:: _static/install_issues_permission.png Fix ~~~ :: pip install mpathic --user