========================================== mpa.SimulateSort ========================================== .. contents:: **Overview** ``SimulateSort`` is a program within the mpathic package which simulates performing a Sort Seq experiment. **Usage** >>> import mpathic >>> loader = mpathic.io >>> mp_df = loader.load_model('./mpathic/examples/true_model.txt') >>> dataset_df = loader.load_dataset('./mpathic/data/sortseq/full-0/library.txt') >>> mpathic.SimulateSort(df=dataset_df,mp=mp_df) **Example Input and Output** The input table to this function must contain sequence, counts, and energy columns Example Input Table:: seq ct val AGGTA 5 -.4 AGTTA 1 -.2 ... Example Output Table:: seq ct val ct_1 ct_2 ct_3 ... AGGTA 5 -.4 1 2 1 AGTTA 1 -.2 0 1 0 ... The output table will contain all the original columns, along with the sorted columns (ct_1, ct_2 ...) Class Details ------------- .. autoclass:: simulate_sort.SimulateSort :members: